620143 Ekaterinburg
Pobedy Street 51 - 87
About our stoves
Our works – is a new trend in development of stove heating. If somebody needs to come from point A to point B, this distance can be covered differently. It is much better to use a direct line. It’s natural. If there is a big mountain on our way it is better to use another way instead of climbing the mountain. When new grass grows through the newly laid asphalt it is but natural. We are all equal in the face of God but our lives turn to be different, this is also natural. There is one life given to us, and it is but natural that everybody strives to live it in the best possible way. We are all equal before the law, and the law shall provide equal rights and possibilities to everybody, ensuring priority of a person and society before the state. This is also natural. The state shall fulfill only the social functions that nobody fulfills, nothing else. For that purpose only it was created. It shall provide the conditions for fruitful labor and for welfare of people in accordance with their capabilities, the system shall be self-adjustable. This is also natural. If one needs to perform some kind of work the best way is to use natural possibilities of nature: wind strength, the sun energy, the energy of falling water, etc., it is but natural. In all these cases one common tendency is observed - all the events ( process) are optimal when they are natural and done on purpose. and also when they correspond to the laws of nature and the Universe. Observation of this law leads to optimum results, whereas failure to observe the law leads to chaos, cataclysms and tragedies. This is proved by the whole historic development of mankind. Let’s have a look how this tendency is observed in stoves, which are designed on the principle of “ free (natural) gas movement”. The hot gases movement in the hood stove (hood) is done not under the influence of pipe draw but under the influence of gravitation force of gases themselves. The hottest gases being the easiest go up, the cold ones being the heaviest are accumulated in the lower part of the hood. The gases having an intermediate temperature are circulating in between. That means that inside the hood a turbulent gas movement takes place, that contributes to a better heat accumulation by the hood walls. Inside the hood with the temperature increase an excessive (higher) pressure is created that also contributes to a better heat accumulation by the hood walls. Heat transfer takes place due to convection (it is the same as air movement in the room), the heat energy is carried over by the gas flow itself. When we use electricity for heating no pipe draw is necessary. When we use wood for heating the worked out, cold combustion products are taken away by means of pipe draw. In this case under the hood floor there is a certain volume (a sack) of hot gases that is an ideal chamber for burning out of gaseous content of wood. Let’s view the following case. If we feel a rubber glove with fingers pointed up with air (let’s call it a convective stove system), it will fill up its volume completely. The gases always fill up the whole volume (in comparison with water that can fill a part of volume). If we heat the air in the glove from the bottom a convective air movement takes place inside it, in each place, in each finger. A process of heat transfer due to convection takes place, whereas the heating will be equal in each horizontal cross section. Hence the hood can have any form both in cross section and in height. In each vertical cross section (volume) of the hood a convective gas movement takes place and heat transfer due to natural nature forces. A simple and a clear process of heat transfer inside the stove takes place. This cannot be reached in other convective systems including those ones that operate under the principle of “ counter flow”. Try to organize a forced gas movement in a stove that has a form of a glove (fingers up) due to pipe draw having an equal heating along its horizontal cross section with a minimum resistance to gas movement. The hood stove can hardly be spoilt. The convective system of such stove is natural and self -adjustable. It provides numerous possibilities for creation of stoves with new functions. Igor Kuznetsov has invented dozens of masonry heaters for various purposes having different heat output, namely, heating stoves, heating-cooking stoves, Russian stoves "teplushki" and banya heaters with water temperature control (banya is a kind of Russian bath) as well as moisture control in the vapor room ( cold stoves). Furthermore, he has invented stoves for the above purposes, which incorporate fireplaces, where fireplace walls are heated and constitute part of the stove. The fireplace may be located in front of the stove, on any of its side or behind it. Several types of stoves for various purposes are designed with low-placed stove-bench. The stoves for heating two or three story houses are designed with various purpose passing-through chimney that permits to develop individual projects of two- or three-level stoves with fireplaces in any combination suitable for any three-dimensional building plan solution, where all stoves use one common chimney. All our stoves are based on "free gas flow" principle. These stoves can be equipped with hot water supply system and be heated by electricity (stand-by fuel). Stoves of various purposes with built-in boilers have also been designed for use in systems with water heating to be used as a stand-by system. As practice showed, construction of such stoves gives a significant economic effect. Who will tell what love is? It is unbelievable but most women “fell in love” with our stoves. They say words of love to them, if I may say so. All our stoves function on the principle of ‘’free gas movement’’. In our opinion the so-called "double-deck hood" stoves have obvious advantage in comparison with other systems. The lower part of these stoves contains a chamber wherein high temperature necessary for full fuel gas combustion is maintained and hot gas flow is separated from cold gas flow. The hot gases are accumulated in the stove whereas cold gases are exhausted and do not cool the stove. Hot gases are accumulated in the stove, cold gases flow to the pipe without cooling the stove. This design permitted to develop stoves featuring the following advantages: economy in use; uniform heating of lower heater surface beginning from the first row that ensures high crack resistance and permits to eliminate cold air pit in the room; slow stove cooling even with open smoke damper. Low resistance to exhausted gas pass permits to design stoves with fireplaces and multilevel stoves; no clogging with soot for a long while; durable heat retention; flue gases in the stoves with fireplaces pass through fireplace walls and heat them thus increasing heat-release surface. I am grateful to Norbert Senf from Canada ( www.heatkit.com , mheat@mha-net.org-nospam) and Albie Barden from the USA (www.mainewoodheat.com, mwhcoinc@prexar.com ). They helped me to get a lot of new information concerning stove production in North America and West Europe, to think over some ideas concerning the design of my stoves, improve their specifications. I am grateful to them and to Masonry Heaters Association of North America http://mha-net.org/ , as well as to business server www.enginery.ru- “Engineering provisions for construction” for providing me a possibility to share my ideas with a wide number of readers. An article " Once again On the system of free gas movement" will help you to understand better our system of stoves http://www.stove.ru/new/index.php?lng=0&rs=16 . I. V. Kuznetsov |